I am Associate Professor and Deputy Director of Studies, at the Department of Political Science at Stockholm University, and visiting Professor at the College of Europe. My work aims to improve government policy making through evidence-based recommendations in the areas of governance, transparency, and accountability.
My primary research focuses on the interaction between policymakers and organized interests. My work on interest group mobilization in the European Union investigates how organizational incentives and institutional procedures impact lobbying activity. I am now working to assess interest groups’ political financing of EU political parties. My aim is to better understand what motivates donations to EU political parties, how they impact political representation, and when they influence policy outcomes. In other research, I examine the role of deliberative procedures as an accountability mechanism. My work on the European Parliament’s committee hearings and the European Markets & Securities Authority offers social-reasoning as an alternative framing for regulatory accountability. I have been involved in externally funded projects by the Nuffield Foundation, the European Parliament, and the Norwegian Research Council. My work appears in journals such as: Public Administration, the Journal of Legislative Studies, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Integration, Politics & Governance, Public Policy & Administration, Journal of European Public Policy, Political Quarterly, European Union Politics, Regulation & Governance, International Affairs. Recently my book on “Business Lobbying in the European Union” (with Coen D. and Vannoni M.) was published with Oxford University Press (2021). I obtained my PhD at University College London (October 2016) where I held an IMPACT scholarship. Previously, I held positions as a post-doc at the ARENA Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo, as a Max Weber Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, and as Fellow in Public Policy and Administration at the London School of Economics. |